This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time

09.10.2006 17:40:11 aizsāka dogs
45 komentāri Komentēt var tikai reģistrētie lietotāji, komentārus redz visi lietotāji. reģistrēties vai ielogojies!
dogs, 09.10.2006. 17:41:04
Komentāra reitings: 0

I'm enlightened now. You know, only Buddha-style behavior. Spider chrysanthemums. The Diamond Sutra and the Blue Cliff Record. Hari Rama, you know, Krishna, Krishna. You know, Enlightened.

dogs, 09.10.2006. 17:41:33
Komentāra reitings: 0

"Sticking feathers up your butt," Tyler says, "does not make you a chicken."

dogs, 09.10.2006. 17:41:52
Komentāra reitings: 0

As the fat renders, the tallow will float to the surface of the boiling water.

dogs, 09.10.2006. 17:42:09
Komentāra reitings: 0

Oh, I say, so I'm sticking feathers up my butt.

dogs, 09.10.2006. 17:42:36
Komentāra reitings: 0

As if Tyler here with cigarette burns marching up his arms is such an evolved soul. Mister and Missus Human Butt Wipe. I calm my face down and turn into one of those Hindu cow people going to slaughter on the airline emergency procedure card.

dogs, 09.10.2006. 17:42:55
Komentāra reitings: 0

Turn down the heat under the pan.

dogs, 09.10.2006. 17:43:08
Komentāra reitings: 0

I stir the boiling water.

dogs, 09.10.2006. 17:43:31
Komentāra reitings: 0

More and more tallow will rise until the water is skinned over with a rainbow mother-of-pearl layer. Use a big spoon to skim the layer off, and set this layer aside.

dogs, 09.10.2006. 17:43:53
Komentāra reitings: 0

So, I say, how is Marla?

Tyler says, "At least Marla's trying to hit bottom."

I stir the boiling water.

dogs, 09.10.2006. 17:44:14
Komentāra reitings: 0

Keep skimming until no more tallow rises. This is tallow we're skimming off the water. Good clean tallow.

dogs, 09.10.2006. 17:44:31
Komentāra reitings: 0

Tyler says I'm nowhere near hitting the bottom, yet. And if I don't fall all the way, I can't be saved. Jesus did it with his crucifixion thing. I shouldn't just abandon money and property and knowledge. This isn't just a weekend retreat. I should run from self-improvement, and I should be running toward disaster. I can't just play it safe anymore.

dogs, 09.10.2006. 17:44:57
Komentāra reitings: 0

This isn't a seminar.

dogs, 09.10.2006. 17:45:24
Komentāra reitings: 0

"If you lose your nerve before you hit the bottom," Tyler says, "you'll never really succeed."

dogs, 09.10.2006. 17:45:35
Komentāra reitings: 0

Only after disaster can we be resurrected.

dogs, 09.10.2006. 17:45:49
Komentāra reitings: 0

"It's only after you've lost everything," Tyler says, "that you're free to do anything."

dogs, 09.10.2006. 17:46:06
Komentāra reitings: 0

What I'm feeling is premature enlightenment.

dogs, 09.10.2006. 17:46:23
Komentāra reitings: 0

I ask, am I anywhere near hitting bottom?

dogs, 09.10.2006. 17:46:40
Komentāra reitings: 0

"Where you're at, now," Tyler says, "you can't even imagine what the bottom will be like."

dogs, 09.10.2006. 17:48:30
Komentāra reitings: 0

A tiger can smile
A snake will say it loves you
Lies make us evil

dogs, 09.10.2006. 17:51:51
Komentāra reitings: 0

The hole punched through my cheek doesn't ever heal. I'm going to work, and my punched-out eye sockets are two swollen-up black bagels around the little piss holes I have left to see through. Until today, it really pissed me off that I'd become this totally centered Zen Master and nobody had noticed. Still, I'm doing the little FAX thing. I write little HAIKU things and FAX them around to everyone. When I pass people in the hall at work, I get totally ZEN right in everyone's hostile little FACE.

dogs, 09.10.2006. 17:52:32
Komentāra reitings: 0

Worker bees can leave
Even drones can fly away
The queen is their slave

dogs, 09.10.2006. 17:53:10
Komentāra reitings: 0

You give up all your worldly possessions and your car and go live in a rented house in the toxic waste part of town where late at night, you can hear Marla and Tyler in his room, calling each other human butt wipe.

dogs, 09.10.2006. 17:53:29
Komentāra reitings: 0

Take it, human butt wipe.

Do it, butt wipe.

Choke it down. Keep it down, baby.

dogs, 09.10.2006. 17:53:46
Komentāra reitings: 0

Just by contrast, this makes me the calm little center of the world.

dogs, 09.10.2006. 17:54:03
Komentāra reitings: 0

Me, with my punched-out eyes and dried blood in big black crusty stains on my pants, I'm saying HELLO to everybody at work. HELLO! Look at me. HELLO! I am so ZEN. This is BLOOD. This is NOTHING. Hello. Everything is nothing, and it's so cool to be ENLIGHTENED. Like me.

dogs, 09.10.2006. 17:54:40
Komentāra reitings: 0


dogs, 09.10.2006. 17:54:52
Komentāra reitings: 0

Look. Outside the window. A bird.

dogs, 09.10.2006. 17:55:04
Komentāra reitings: 0

My boss asked if the blood was my blood.

dogs, 09.10.2006. 17:55:14
Komentāra reitings: 0

The bird flies downwind. I'm writing a little haiku in my head.

dogs, 09.10.2006. 17:55:31
Komentāra reitings: 0

Without just one nest
A bird can call the world home
Life is your career

dogs, 09.10.2006. 17:56:05
Komentāra reitings: 0

I'm counting on my fingers: five, seven, five.

dogs, 09.10.2006. 17:56:18
Komentāra reitings: 0

The blood, is it mine?

dogs, 09.10.2006. 17:56:41
Komentāra reitings: 0

Yeah, I say.

dogs, 09.10.2006. 17:56:53
Komentāra reitings: 0

Some of it.

dogs, 09.10.2006. 17:57:04
Komentāra reitings: 0

This is a wrong answer.

dogs, 09.10.2006. 17:57:22
Komentāra reitings: 0

Like this is a big deal. I have two pair of black trousers. Six white shirts. Six pair of underwear. The bare minimum. I go to fight club. These things happen.

dogs, 09.10.2006. 17:57:39
Komentāra reitings: 0

"Go home," my boss says. "Get changed."

dogs, 09.10.2006. 17:58:22
Komentāra reitings: 0

Pārmaiņas pēc nedaudz literatūras...

ed, 09.10.2006. 18:03:52
Komentāra reitings: 0


ed, 09.10.2006. 18:08:37
Komentāra reitings: 0

fight club?

dogs, 09.10.2006. 18:14:09
Komentāra reitings: 0

aha =D

dzēsts lietotājs, 17.10.2006. 16:00:31
Komentāra reitings: 0

good job ;)

dogs, 17.10.2006. 16:22:17
Komentāra reitings: 0

Ja kādam interesē html versija, give me a yell =D

dzēsts lietotājs, 31.10.2006. 18:37:21
Komentāra reitings: 0

tagd tikai izlasīju :D labs labs dogīts ;D

jānis, 01.11.2006. 07:34:22
Komentāra reitings: 0

Ir par ko padomāt vispār ;)

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Padalies priekā
Hey guys. I have a Safepal wallet. I opened it with 12 words of ribbon thought gun spy struggle inmate thunder retreat vanish stamp curtain jewel. I have $170 in my wallet, but I can't get it, I need some trx — what is it?.. Tell me what to do!


manuscripts attributed to Robins


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