Hitchikers Vilnius-Ryga-Jurmala-Tallinn

16.08.2006 07:11:31 aizsāka dzēsts lietotājs
37 komentāri Komentēt var tikai reģistrētie lietotāji, komentārus redz visi lietotāji. reģistrēties vai ielogojies!
dzēsts lietotājs, 16.08.2006. 07:15:24
Komentāra reitings: 0

Hi to all! Two punks from Vilnius are going to do a hitchhike trip from Vilnius to Tallinn and planning to hang-out in Ryga, Jurmala (or some other town) for a day-two (the trip is on 23-27 of Augusy). If you could provide a place to crash and sleep, we would be thankful! Also it would be great, if you send some info on gigs, clubs, squats, infoshops to visit! Please send me e-mail - lorpex@mail.ru (if it's easier for you - write in Russian)

jānis, 16.08.2006. 07:17:11
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Gigs are here, but only in Latvian: http://www.hc.lv/afisa/

dzēsts lietotājs, 16.08.2006. 07:22:15
Komentāra reitings: 0

Thanx, and maybe you know a web-page on Estonian punk/hc scene?

ed, 16.08.2006. 07:32:33
Komentāra reitings: 0

www.hardcore.lt ?

dzēsts lietotājs, 16.08.2006. 07:35:05
Komentāra reitings: 0

It's Lithuanian! :]

jānis, 16.08.2006. 07:38:56
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Yea ed :DDD

dzēsts lietotājs, 16.08.2006. 07:41:37
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But i think - damn that Estonia for now - i'm more interested in the Zaljumballe fest :]

jānis, 16.08.2006. 07:42:13
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Mayby try to find in google.com ;) But I dont think there is any web- page about punk/hc scene in Estonian :D

dzēsts lietotājs, 16.08.2006. 07:43:50
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forget the zaljumballe! try the dark ligo!

dzēsts lietotājs, 16.08.2006. 07:44:37
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Why is it better?

jānis, 16.08.2006. 07:46:39
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Yea I will play with my band in Dark Ligo fest too ;)
Try to contact with them : vakc@inbox.lv

ed, 16.08.2006. 07:46:56
Komentāra reitings: 0

oops :D

jānis, 16.08.2006. 07:47:13
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Here is web - page www.vakc.tk ;)

ed, 16.08.2006. 07:48:13
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no go on zaljumballe :D

dzēsts lietotājs, 16.08.2006. 07:48:16
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Yeah, i found the page. Is it an open-air fest like DAROM or Zveera?

dzēsts lietotājs, 16.08.2006. 07:49:11
Komentāra reitings: 0

well..it is better for me, couse there will be the bands I like..but for you..well it's your choice

jānis, 16.08.2006. 07:49:55
Komentāra reitings: 0

Yes ;)

No go to Dark Ligo :DDD

dzēsts lietotājs, 16.08.2006. 07:50:03
Komentāra reitings: 0

I got really interested in zaljumballe couse of WMAF, Tesa and Ampher

dzēsts lietotājs, 16.08.2006. 07:50:35
Komentāra reitings: 0

And the difference of 2 lats, well, i'll think :]

dzēsts lietotājs, 16.08.2006. 07:51:18
Komentāra reitings: 0

cik tad tas dark ligo maksā!?

ed, 16.08.2006. 07:51:38
Komentāra reitings: 0

wuhu! :D

jānis, 16.08.2006. 07:52:23
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Dark Ligo 3 Ls :)

dzēsts lietotājs, 16.08.2006. 07:53:12
Komentāra reitings: 0

Yeah? great, but they write 5ls on their page/ maybe i just didn't understand them

dzēsts lietotājs, 16.08.2006. 07:53:42
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a ja diference ir 2 lati, tad ZB ls?! da labi!

ed, 16.08.2006. 07:54:58
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come on !wmaf! it has been a long time since they had done a show.....

dzēsts lietotājs, 16.08.2006. 07:56:02
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dark ligo!dar ligo! Even the name of the fest is..pretty nice!

ed, 16.08.2006. 07:57:22
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dzēsts lietotājs, 16.08.2006. 07:58:31
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jānis, 16.08.2006. 08:04:09
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I say - Dark Ligo is the best :D

dzēsts lietotājs, 16.08.2006. 08:08:34
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zaljumbale is the best. ! better bands are in zaljumbale :) he he !

ed, 16.08.2006. 08:32:40
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i agree with hvz!

dzēsts lietotājs, 16.08.2006. 09:05:41
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and your journey will be better becouse zaljumbale is 40 km from Riga but Vetnspils (Dark Ligo) is not on the way. Ventspils is 170 km from Riga.

jānis, 16.08.2006. 09:18:08
Komentāra reitings: 0

Shut up :D

dzēsts lietotājs, 21.08.2006. 11:51:56
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Hey, but we still don't have a place to slēp in ryga. if you can provide it - PLEASE send me e-mail

dzēsts lietotājs, 22.08.2006. 11:11:30
Komentāra reitings: 0

estonian hardcore scene web-page.|| http://www.kidinapit.msn.ee/

dzēsts lietotājs, 22.08.2006. 11:42:14
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sandi - kakaina tā lapa :) šitā labāka :DD !

dzēsts lietotājs, 22.08.2006. 11:47:22
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minētā vienkārši nav pasen reanimēta. vari ieskatīties arī http://myspace.com/kidinapit -kurp atrodami tuvākie viņu soļi. no kuriem atsevišķi visai tīkami.|| par šo labāk nerunā. smaids.

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