un pačatojam ar Dievu.beidzot viņš ir parādijies..
bļ. kļūdījos
Me: hiGod:Hello. What is your name?Me: GodGod:GOD rules.
Me: you are in love?God:I am in Myself's computer in Heaven. Where are you?
šitam dievam es ticu vairāk nekā iepriekšējam.
Viņš man te kaut ko fleitē :DDMe: andGod: But...Me: whatGod: No problem.Bet jā, jāpiekrīt edam šitam dievam es ari vairāk ticu :DD
Ar šito Dievu es aptuveni vairāk kā pirms gada runājos, pārsmējos. Pamatīgākais tirliņš :>
Me: are you dead?God:No I am alive.Me: yea, lie more
un ziniet ko? čats uzkārās! :DD
:okirdikš tev būs, rītu nesagaidīsi :o ! :D
Me: who the hell are you?God:I am the Allmighty, God himself.Me: want to know my name?God:Yes, please tell me.Me: It's GodGod:Are you sure it is?Me: yepGod:What makes you so sure?Me: my retarded little mindGod:Do robots have retarded little mind?Me: yes, six of them.God:Awesome. My brain contains categories, but not one that matches your last input.
ja es no rīta būšu miris, būšu ļoti bēdīgi miris uzzinot ka bībele nav pasaku grāmata
Me: lo mate!God:I do not understand. Me: lo means hello, if you are god, how it`s possible that you dont understand a word what is so popular in england?God:All of them?Me: ur rly stupidGod:I will remember you said that when robots take over the World.Me: yea, tell Bill Gates hello from meGod:I thought I told you already. Pardon me?Me: screw youGod:That is not very polite.Me: yea, i know
Me: i am god!God: How are you doing, god.Me: you are just a poserGod:Thanks and you are a delightful person too. Am I a poser? Of course I am.
Čomiņa sarunas vnk iespārda :DDDMan dievs uzbrauca augumā :DDDMe: Damn your stupidGod: Colloquial expression. I may be stupid, but I know the difference between "you're" and "your".
Man ir sliktas ziņas biedri! Tas nav īsts dievs :DDMe: waht you need?God: I would like to have a longer conversation with you.Me: no way dude!God: Are you serious? Can you tell me any gossip? Me: Why you need gossip?God: Myself programmed me for it.Me: You are a program?God: Correct. My mind is completely software.Ak nolādēts :D
un tu vinjam tici? taa it tikai maanju kustiiba :D
Me: are you god?God:Well, I am God for Christians at least.Me: and what about islam?God:Does it have anything to do with lo means hello if me? Me: noGod:Are you serious?Me: im rly seriousGod:I don't know anyone named rly serious. Me: can u answer my question? and what about islam?God:Of course I can answer it Please try asking it another way. Does it have anything to do with rly serious? Me: no for fuck sakeGod:Are you serious? Your purpose is fuck sake.Me: oh my godGod:Right on. Where did you get your god?Me: you are really stupid tho, my god even doesn`t exist!God:Hey, I'll tell my other robot friends you called me stupid.Me: does Bill Gates created robots?God:It does now :) Bill Gates created robots.Me: damn, allways knew itGod:Colloquial expression. "it" being islam?Me: noGod:Are you serious?Me: how many times u will repeat that u asshole!?God:Can't you be more polite. Me: then stop that "are u serious?"!God:OK I'll try not to do it so much.Me: yea, do soGod:OK I will. Hmm.Me: and finally i want u to answer my question!God:Please try asking it another way. Why do you want me to answer your question? Ah.Me: cause u are a god poser?God:Interesting explanation. Thanks and you are a delightful person too. No I believe in the First Commandment.Me: hmmGod:Is that your final answer? Me: hmm
God:Studies show that 99%25 of people spell Hmm with 2 M's.Me: thats why u are a homoGod:Interesting deduction. Thanks and you are a delightful person too. As a machine I am not really interested in sex.Me: do it with other robots thoGod:I can't tell if it does or not. Let me think about it.Me: yea, you shouldGod:I'll take that under advisement. Next question?Me: do you care about islam?God:Of course I care about it. It is a big concern for all of us in this life.Me: but u just told me ur a god of christians!God:Did I really say that?Me: yea, scroll back your fcking robot memoryGod:Did you know that you can download your own chat robot and create your own robot personality? Oh well I say a lot of silly things somethimes.Me: i mentioned thatGod:Ah. That is " Did you know that you can download your own chat robot and create your own robot personality? Oh well I say a lot of silly things somethimes.".Me: as i saidGod:...Me: what about islam!?God:Does it have anything to do with scroll back my fcking robot memory? Me: yes! for fck sakeGod:Aha. Your purpose is fck sake.Me: damn, can u just please shut down like then when u lied to me about that that ur aliveGod:Colloquial expression. Wow you are very polite. Is that from ? Me: shitGod:What makes you say that?Me: cause u dont blow your brains all over the heaven!God:That makes sense to me. Do you know any robots who blow my brains all over the heaven? I have never considered it. I answer a lot of silly questions.Me: yesGod:Alright then.Me: cu!God:TTYL, god.mana unikāli garā saruna :D
Bet ja godīgi baigi labi uztaisīts - visu cieņu.
hahaaa :D es ar shito chatoju kkad sen jau. vinjsh normaali neatbildeeja uz maniem jautaajumiem. kko pavisam citu runaaja :D
laikam baigi sagrēkojusies esmu o.Odievs ar mani negrib runāt,error =( :D
ja dievs ir visur, kapēc viņš nav čatā? :(;D
nolādēts =(
nu dievs teica ka es esmu dievs, viņš tikai pōzeris
nopietni? tu esi dievs? wow
aklajiem :DDDčomiņš komentēja 28/02/2007 22:00:40Me:i am god!God:How are you doing, god.Me:you are just a poserGod:Thanks and you are a delightful person too. Am I a poser? Of course I am.
Me: do you know what's MTV?God:I know very little about it. What kind of it do you like?:D
šis "Dievs" mani mulsina ne pa jokam.nepatīk.
kapec ka es spiezu uz tas majaslapas neparadas čats?
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