Opening with instrumental intro track - "9 gates" which has kind of introspective feeling, new album “Dimensions of Magma” of solo artist Latvian Fog is both heavy and tripy. Second track "Babilon Falling" kicks in with heavy riffs and low guttural growling. Vocals in this song sound really heavy and leaves kind of judging impression. Guitar solo parts reminds me of good old melodic death metal bands. “Machines and skins”, the next song, features different type of growling, guitar is quieter, more like heard in the background so repetitive drum beat sticks out leaving kind of “open” impression to the song sounding more like improvisation. Fourth song “Northern road” reminds me of Amon Amarth tracks. It is heavy and there is kind of feeling of persistance. Album closes with psychedelic instrumental track "Witchcraft and pokaini". The title says it all.
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