We've started playing šort simle songs in october 2006. We called our style lanepunk ("lane" is "zavulak" in belarusian), cut version of strētpunk. Guys from our first rehearsal studio asked us to name our band somehow to avoid mess in studio šedule. That's where the name of our band came from. We played in Minsk, Baranoviči, Grodno and Lida. Recorded few lame demos. And now recorded lame album. We would like to thank all people who came to our shows and guys who organized these gigs! You can download our album on a following reference:http://ifolder.ru/17060418orhttp://www.mediafire.com/?htkqzynjhz0http://www.myspace.com/ZAVULAK
Hi guys, this is out new split record with our friends, folk punk band Бостонское чаепитие. 12 brand new songs for you. have fun!http://www.mediafire.com/?dt825v06r6p923ahttp://ifolder.ru/26038234
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© 2005-2025, Завулак Vinny Stigm'ы (punk rock, Belarus), HC.LV.