Cik noprotu, vecajā tēmā vairs nevar iepostēt. Versija 2.0Please Inform the Captain This is a Hijack - Your Good Thing Is About to Come to an End
man tīri labi pievienojās :P
, es arī savu komentu varēju iebāzt. nu labi .. tātad -> Battlelore - Journey To Undying Lands
Hot Cross - A Tale fot The Ages
pag, a kuram tas interesē?
žopelniek, -> Man :p
nu lan....pāriešu uz v2.0Fear Before March Of Flames - Law Of Awerages
pilnīgi ideālu mūziku šim brīdim:Drop Dead Grgeous - "Be My Valentine"tīkams vokāla hc izpildījums manām ausīm.
A LIfe Once Lost - Needleman
aj iešu tūlīt nomazgāties.
ak neeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ko tagad darīsim bez tevis? :DD
Thrice - So Strange I Remember You
Bleed The Sky - Minion
tikko novilku - baigi iepatīkās bļin - Adora - My Cross To Bare !
Neaera - Where Submission Reigns njamm :)~
Kā es mēģinu spēlēt Nothing Else Matters uz ģitāras (pirmā reize, kad turu ģitāru rokās)...
uuu :P
Daitro - Laissez vivre les squelettes
:D NEKO : )
R.H.C.P. Scar Tissue
Nirvana-Swap meet;D
Fire Water Burn. :D radiopēc tam ;D
jap rādža :) pēc tam mana ģica ;)
Saetia - One Dying WishThe best song ever
Cradle Of Filth - Of Mist And Midnight Skies
when my authorities fall - vai iespeejams aizveert acis cieshaak...
Orchid - Don't Rat Out Your Friends
tesa 'part 37'un tad seko:wmaf 'future is in our hands - prepare to work'
Neaera - No Coming Home
Hot Cross - A Tale fot The Ages:DD
Novembers Doom - Tears of the Beautiful
Saetia - Closed hands
Neaera - Walls Instead Of Bridges dievinu :)~
Lack - Deserters (lastfm://globaltags/real screamo)
As Blood Runs Black - Hester Prynne
ephen rian - 'escape no avail'haā.
Saving Daylight Remains - Imaginary Poets
gribu klausīties Panic!At the disco. Bet vēl neesmu novilkusi :(
Odis - Radio
As Blood Runs Blck - Legends Never DieThe Dillinger Escape Plan - Clip The Apex...Accept Instruction
covenant - 'we stand alone'un..Apocalyptica feat. Matthias Sayer - 'Hope'
Amon Amarth - Runes To My Memory
Ai, baigo sviestu jūs kalusaties...
Remix - dzeltenās kurpesOdis - Šodien arā saulains laiks
Credo - Nebūtu slikti aizbraukt uz UngārijuOpus - Atmiņu nams
sviests nesviests,tak vienalga :PArch Enemy - Despicable Heroes
Latgolas Radeja (live)
Burzum - Dominus Sathanas
Sandis Kiops (grupa Titāniks) - ĶINI ! Visi atrodam sadaļā "mūzika" šo lielisko mākslinikeu :DDD !
Metallica-The unforgiven.Fēliks Ķiģelis - ē ra ram.
V3V - Polārā Nakts
Jāņa Streiča jubilejas koncertu;DD
Dry Kill Logic - Then You Lie
3_doors_down-let_me_goNošaujiet mani!
Caliban - I Rape Myselfdzelone,es ar prieku
agony_, ar ūdens pistoli lūdzu.:\
nē, bet interesei tomēr., --> Tu varētu!?
Lack,pēc tam būs sixtoo un tālāk tesa.
Babyshambles-Fuck Forever
un kā tu domā,dzelone? ]:) es tik ļauna izstos,ka bez iemesla galinātu kādu? :P[Fuck Im Dead & Engorged - Split CD]Fuck I'm Dead - Flesh Fest njamm :P~
agony_ - nezinu. Cilvēku izskats + domas ir maldīgas.
nu tad visticamāk ir tā kā tu domā.bet es jau nezinu,ko tu domā,dzelone oOradio skan :P
Mushroomhead - 43
agony_ - ai blje, nekko nedomāju. :D Sāku ne pa tēmu lamāties.Ajsh, aizmirsti., kkad cittreiz nosprāgšu.
Placebo - Twenty Years
vuuhuuskan vēdera rūkoņa,kas sauc pēc ēdiena oO
Puddle of Mudd - Come Clean - She Hates Me
Massive Attack - Man Next Door
nightwish-angels fall first
No šī brīža savus draugus ;)
splitface- seperate ways.
neko!un pirms tam: drop dead gorgeous
rādioo :P un vēlāk būs jāielien pandorā :)
Foo Fighters - Halo
Carnage - Torn Apart
Skyforger - Uz Ziemeļkrastu
As I Lay Dying-The Pain Of Separation
Chimaira - Options
jairus- lucco sleeps on screen.
nick cave
Aibeks - Another Lifeless Story
E.Clapton - Tears In Heaven
Sizzla - Please Me
Il Divo...klasiski-modernaa opermuuzika iipashiem briizjiem
Porno & Co - Ēst mazo lācīti
Sanctimony - Being Called DisasterJob For A Cowboy - Day In BlackGraf Orlock - SkynetAs Hope Dies - His Beloved MakerCradle Of Filth - Summer Dying FastNeaera - Hibernating Reason
Guano Apes - Never Born
tā par lācīti ritīgi labā:DDBabyshambles-KilimangiroArteyu-You give love a bad namebfmv-Don't fall
Inokentijs Marpls - Eu Prieksniek
elizabete Ozola - November Rain (piano versija)
Angelreich - cultural hatared.
more&relsey-More and..korn-love song
Fuck I'm Dead - Jeffreu Dahmer's Cookbook
pf project- choose life.
Ghiarta - Mirkļa Iespaids
tagad :Bless the fall - 'higinia'pirms tam:jairus - 'ara pacis'
Mikseri - esi reāls.
Morbid Angel - Opening of the Gates
Ektomorf - Outcast
Aibeks - Free
Static-X - Control It
hvz:DDTo dziesmu vēl k-kur va dabūt??bāc!Tā tak ir klasika:D:DD
DevilDriver - Hold Back The Day
Defdump - Message to the outside world
Mikseri ir klasika? Muahahahaha!!!!!111oneoneonePF Project - Choose LifeLūk klasika =PChoose Life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fucking big television, choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers. Choose good health, low cholesterol, and dental insurance. Choose fixed interest mortgage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. Choose leisurewear and matching luggage. Choose a three-piece suite on hire purchase in a range of fucking fabrics. Choose DIY and wondering who the fuck you are on a Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing, spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing fucking junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pishing your last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrasment to the selfish, fucked up brats you spawned to replace yourself. Choose your future. Choose life. But why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose life. I chose something else. And the reason is that there are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you've got heroin?
when my authorities fall - punished for a dream
5'nizza - strela
russian circles - you already did.
bet, bet - man vienalga viss:D
Apocalyptica feat. Sandra Nasic (Guano Apes) - Path
rādioo ;)
The Birds Are Spies, They Report to the Trees - The Point Is Moot, It Refers to Itself
As Blood Runs BlackFuck I'm Dead
Otep - Warhead
Orchid - O.S.K.
Orchid :)~~ siekal siekal
Please Inform the Captain This is a Hijack - Transnational Vampire Killers
Kim Won II - A Prayer (Wonderful Days OST)
SlipKnoT - Eyeless
ā ē es klausos P.O.D
neurosis- aeon.
Porno & Co - Kefīrs mans.:D :D
ieķērcas The Dillinger Escape Plan - Jim Fear :P~ njam njam
Inokentijs Marpls - Mate Terrorists
Iron Maiden - Aces High
as i lay dying - the
RATM- Calm Like a Bomb
Technical Itch - The Real (feat. Don Davis) (The Animatrix OST)bungunbass =D
Un tagad The Plot to Blow Up the Eiffel Tower - Sometimes I Wish I'd Lost a Leg
fall of troy radio (
da neko neklausos b*** ;D
Jairus - Abandons the Exterior Look
Job For A Cowboy - What We Once Called Home
The Stooges - I Wanna Be Your Dog
Mineral - Gloria
Job For A Cowboy - Suspended By The Throat
Louis Cyphre - Our Punkrock, Your Friendship
umm nē otrādāk Your Punkrock, Our Friendship =D
As I Lay Dying - Blood Turned To Tears
4ManBob - TaggersAnthem
A beautiful epiphany - A lovers end
Saliva - Your Disease
Es teikšu, ka ļoti aizraujoša tēma. Esmu dziļi iekarsis diskusijās :D
Rhapsody - The Magic of the Wizards Dream. :)
H I - Cilvēks no Zāles
Pig Destroyer - Suicide Through Decay
bless the fall - black rose dying
GC-Hold on:)
skvota rādža noraustījāsProstitute Disfigurement - chainsaw abortion
Daïtro - Tois murs pour la salle de torture(Tiem, kas franču valodu pilnīgi ne-bum-bum, "Trīs sienas moku kambarim". Dziesmas vārdi ir dzejolis, kura autors tika ieslodzīts uz 10 gadiem, par to, ka neatbalstīja cionistu kustību.)
Deem nevis Tois bet gan Trois. Stupid typos.
rādiooo [skakris neguļ,jeeei :D]
Static-X - Kill Your IdolsCircle Takes The Square - Non-Objective Portrait Of Karma njam njam :P~Cradle Of Filth - Swansong For A Raven
klausos klusumaa...
The Death of Anna Karina - Anemic Armour
Arch Enemy - Nemesis
Sanctimony - A Dollar Story
Heaven in Her Arms - Red Dream
As Hope Dies - Deceived
The Panckas - Smirdīgā skola
The Sons Of Saturn - Pure
hope dies last (AT) - target
Walls Of Jericho - Angel
Heaven in Her Arms - A Secret Signal... Here Is...
a perfect circle - imagine
Heaven in Her Arms - Get Out (live)
Job For A Cowboy - Dead Stale EndingFuck I'm Dead - Fucking The -----Rifles At Recess - I Died Twenty Times In 1986Walls Of Jericho - Why Father
emm.. šobrīd...Statistics- Final Broadcast...
NO Heaven, no hell :)
Rifles At Recess - Here's To Broken Boys
Architecture in Helsinki - Spring 2008Indie pop kicks ass =D
The Agony Scene - Darkest Red
Donato Wharton - Sieben mal Weisser als Weiss
Crowd - Atdošanās :P~
The Offspring - All I Want ;)
Job For A Cowboy - The Rising Tide
sloan-it feels good do it
Crowd - Rīts
Tesa - Part 67
If Hope Dies - The Ultimate Nullifier
Kriegopfer - Nē, paldies
Love Of Diagrams - Tiger Pancakes
neaera - mechanisms of standstill
Orchid - Victory Is Ours
Indian Summer - Orchard
Dead Kennedys - Too Drunk To Fuckkill hannah - nerve gas
cult of luna
quitejack- elite.
OperaIX-Bela Lugosi's Dead
Acid Enema - Holocaust Reborn
ICTUS - la herida es el comienzo
white zombie - creature of wheel
Antagony - Abre Los Ojos
aperfect circle - the noosetool - third eye
Blue October - hate meSilverstein - My Heroine....un varat nomeigjinaat dziesmu kura iedzen nezheeliigaa depresijaa.The Album Leaf - Over The Pond
Spawn of Possession - The Forbidden
Raein - Tigersuit
ICTUS - Los restos de la esfera :P~ njamm
Neviens Nezin - Dēka
Christina Aguilera - Hurt
Anpher - Wind That's Been Feared By CowardsEnhet - Kas Acis Atvērs
nezinu, vai sheit kaads ar ko taadu ir paziistams, bet SYD BARRETT ir kolosaals. vina dziesmu texti ir pilniigi bezsakariigi un tai pat laikaa arii geniaali savaa vienkaarshiibaa. shai muuzikai nav laika ierobezojumu un arii pats SYD ir unikums. vina harizma un pilniigaa ticiiba visam, ko vins saka, aizrauj un liek noticeet... nu gan aizbazareejos un aizmuldeejos, bet vispaar - muuziiga slava SYDam!
alberts: paklausies Mr. Bungle =DThe Plot to Blow Up the Eiffel Tower - One Stab Deserves Another
Skyforger - Through The Gates Of The World Beyond
Otep - The Lord Is My Weapon
Between The Buried And Me - Destructo Spin
underoath - never meant to break your heart...
happy hardcore - 99 red ballons
Hatebreed - Destroy Everything
Circle Takes the Square - In the Nervous Light of SundayShe Died Real Pretty - Donny Moore vs. The Timberlane Super FanOrchid - Aesthetic Dialecticpg. 99 - Punk Rock in the Wrong HandsHot Cross - SolankaHeroin - Head ColdFuneral Diner - Welcome to My Book Collectionetc.vārdu sakot Real Screamo vol. I
Ephen Rian - Avenue ViewOtep - Buried Alive
Opera Ix - Sacro Culto - Cimmeries
Taking back Sunday - Make Damn Sure ^^
The Wage Of Sin - Defeating The Purpose
Lemon Jelly - Homage to Patagonia
In.Stora - Slow Dance
Antagony - Cultivate And Collapse
Kaut kādas stulbas dziesams pa radio skan par rudeni, kaut ārā riktīgi snieg :D
elizabete Ozola - Steidzies lēnām.
Saetia - Venus and Bacchus... - Postlaparia
Queen - I Want To Break Free
Orchid - Snow Delay At The Frankfurt School
Walls Of Jericho - Thanks For The Memories
kaut kas skan pa neta radio....
100 Demons - Dying In My Own Arms
Ephen Rian - Strike Me DeeplyInsomnia - Swallow HardNavela - Brīvības SpārniMurderdolls - I Love To Say FuckNecrophagia - Blood FreakNora - Nobody Takes Pictures Of The DrummerPND - Māt Es Miršu SavādākRussian Circles - CarpeSkyforger - Nāves SalaThe Distillers - Bullet & The Bullseye
Transistor Transistor - Straight to Helllastfm://globaltags/real screamo
Solarea..vai poh - FROLA
Paradise Lost - I am nothing
Tool - The pot
pahlaik atrodos skolas informatikas kabinetaa :DD bet majas klausos : dEFDUMp - makeshift polaris albuumu.SOADun daudzas citas grupas
Abduktio - antiteesi
zvaniņš skan, zvaniņš skan, Ziemassvētki brauc...nā nā nāsporta stundā pieķēru sevi dungojam šito gabalu :D
Amanda Woodward - Bomber le show-bizz ("Nobumbot" šovbiznesu)Bet galvā visu laiku skan the nervous light, the nervous light of sunday... =D
rādža... Beautiful No - Tooltā ir pareizā dziesma, kam galvā skanēt, dievīgā ķērcoņa :P
Tagad arī uz kompja skanCircle Takes the Square - In the Nervous Light of Sunday
a perfect circle -judith(renholder mix)tool - naked fringe (RARE and EXCELLENT)59 times the pain - we want the kids
Tumsa - dziive
Saving Daylight Remains - Saving Daylight Remains
abjure - crackup
Embrijs - Ēdiens
Sex pistols - rock around the clock
Sequoia - The One Who Is Not Me
dir en grey- new age culture..amm njaamm..amm...oi..
The Dillinger Escape Plan - The Perfect Design
KNEEJERK - back to the trains
Abjure - Comfort
Abjure - Crackup
KNEEJERK - Handholdhigh
Abjure -Jungle
Abjure - Remind me what it is I like about you
KNEEJERK - solace
Abjure - That was that
KNEEJERK - The true art of rebelion
KNEEJERK - wire wool
Angelreich - Fire Giving A Hope
The Offspring - Cant get you out of my head.P.S. Neluuri te bijis? Bāc cik sen nav satikts!!
Nu gan ed saspamojis o.ODaitro - Nous sommes d'ici
tas gan... Underoath - When the sun sleeps
jau kādas 2 h no vietas >>> Alesana - Ending without stories
klusums. =(
Dzelzs Vilks.Tikai un vienīgi.
Jau n-to reizi Circle Takes the Square - In the Nervous Light of Sundaydictate the deafening earthen tonesalter the pitch of his weight bearing back breakingwe can dictate the pitch of his weight bearing back breakingalter the tone of your weight bearing back breakingwe can mend all the seams that were torn during our backs slowly breakingin the nervous light, the nervous light of sundayo.O romāns ne dziesma
ņam ņam ņammīga dziesma :P~agonijai arī skan Circle Takes The Squaretagd - Interview At The Ruins
Babyshambles - Fuck Foreverpēc tam - Nirvana - Ain't it a
Cradle Of Filth - Summer Dying Fast
red sparowes- alone and unaware, the landscape was transformed in front of our eyes.
Saving Dayligt Remains - Nogremdētā Zemapziņa
Orchid - Lights Out
Tesa - Part 57
Caliban - Stigmata
Kaspars Dimiters - Pec lietus
Jeromes Dream - A Well Docuented Case Of Severe Autism
Mineral - Five, Eight and Ten
As Blood Runs Black - The Brighter Side Of Suffering
City of Caterpillar - A Heart Filled Reaction to Dissatisfaction
In.Stora - Slow DanceAll Shall Perish - The Last Relapse
ietekmeejos no doga un shobriid arii klausos Circle Takes The tiik..;)
A Silver Mt. Zion - Brothers! Sisters! Small Boats of Fire Are Falling From the Sky!
degu- vertikāle.
savu hā profila dziemsiņu (reklāma) :D !
At The Gates - Under A Serpent Sun
Orchid - Stagnant
Blink 182 - Carousel
AphexTwin - Window lickero0.
Saetia - The Sweetnes and the Light
Jeromes Dream - My Most Recent Left Right Brain Argument
Broken Social Scene - Anthems for a Seventeen Year Old Girl
As I Lay Dying - Through Struggle
SlipKnoT - Left Behind
Caliban - Seventh Soul
Le Roi Soleil - Ca marche!
Staind - so far away
Melo M - Dzimtā Valoda, tā nekā jāiemācas soliņš :D
Massive Attack - Teardrop
Saving daylight remains - last day remains
Melna Princese - Engelis
bļe SAETIA! :D
Thrice - stare at the sun
12 Stones - Crash
teletuubijmuldeeshana..^^ :D
Klausos, kā sienazits krāc o.O
sienaazhi nekraac..:P
dogs vēro kā sienazits guļ o.O oi vai arī krāc tik skaļi,ka sienas drebAntagony - Abre Los Ojos
Demin Hunter - I Play Dead
tb Demon :D
Slipknot - Left Behind^^
In.storas pēdējo konci ar Jairus un Secondsmile līdzdalību. Dzīve viņš bij vēl skaistāks :) !
Fuck I'm Dead - Shotgun Facelift
Radio SWHrock:)tiko bija 'red hot chilli pepers' k-kaada kjip jaunaa dziesma
In.Stora - Nāve Pirmdienātāda jušana,ka raudāt gribas
Summoning - Across the streaming tide
TBOCS - This world causes me so much pain.So I quit
Atreyu - Untitled Finale
Kittie - Suck
Cat Power- Peking Saint
Neaera - The Last Silence
Throwdown - Hate For The Weak
Circle Takes The Square - Non-Objective Portrait Of Karma
Atreyu - Bleeding Mascara
Insomnia - Swallow Hard
he'dup- proud.
Liu Kang - Keep it out
ICTUS - Los Restos De La Esfera mmm
to systeemasdziesmu par dzhoniju:D
The Wage Of Sin - Who Comes Out On Top?
Karil - Martyr martyr mercenary
twisted sisters- i wanna rock.vecie gabali veljoprojam dziivi:D.tuliit skanees thursday 12th-cage
in.stora's visas pēc kārtas :)
As Hope Dies - Led Astray
Frivolvol - Reclaim the Beats
Guns N' Roses - Don't Cry
Ephen Rian - With The Absence Of Mind
Oasis - wanderwall
balsīs manā galvā
Against Me - I Still Love You Julie
Tribes of the city - a day in the city
Def Leppard - Love Bites
Rammstein - Mein Teil
Skid Row - Wasted TimeRHCP - Dosed
radio swh rock:)Killing Joke - Loose Cannon
otep-suicide treespeec tam- paradise lost-no celebration
Papa roach - Time and time againKorn - Y'all want a singlepēc tam Muse - Feeling good
The Black Dahlia Murder - Spite Suicide
All Shall Perish - Never Ending War
Saetia - From The Firmament
RAMMSTEIN! varu klausiities dienaam un naktiim ;]
Kriegopfer - Kasta People
piekrītu - Rammstein ir vieni no labākajiem!tie man bija vakar.tagad - TooL - The gaping lotus experienceviena no rēcīgākajām dziemām pēc teksta.īsti narkomāniska.
klasesbiedru vārīšanās jaukajā informātikas stundā:)
another typical antiwar song!
converge - "towing jehovah"
Earshot - Get away
spoon - "i turn my camera on"
Oasis - The Masterplan
X Blocks - witnez
sed non satiata - Moi Le Premier
crystral sound system- ragga train passenger.
Circle Takes The Square - Interview At The Ruins
Circle Takes the Square - A Crater to Cough InSed Non Satiata - Pessimiste, toi aussi saisi ton rêve
Angelreich - Everything What's Beautiful Has Its End
Sex pistols - God,save the queen :)
Kittie - Pain
Emanon - The Challange
Insomnia - Paint The Sky
Circle Takes The Squqre - A Crater To Cough In
City of Caterpillar – Fucking Hero
Neaera - Save The Drowning ChildNeaera - God Forsaken Soil
Disillusion - Back To Times Of Splendor... - Alone I Stand In Fires
The Death of Anna Karina - Youthdeadefenestration
Norma Jean - Pretendeavor
the string quartet tribute to a prefect circle - "the noose" & "orestes"
Saving Daylight Remains - Again
The Birds Are Spies, They Report to the Trees - Typewriter
Neaera - Broken Spine
TooL - 'H.'
Anpher - Emperor CeremonyNeaera - Life Damages The Living
Love Lost but Not Forgotten - Save Me From the Outside World
Belphegor - The Goatchrist
Killswitch Engage - My Curse
Aibeks - Deserved
JR Ewing - Calling in Dead
Hot Cross - Solanka
Swing Kids - Forty Three Seconds
Sikth - TupeloJohn Zorn - Lucifer RisingTito & Tarantula - Angry Coackroaches
The String Quartet Tribute To Nirvana - Something In The Way
Placebo - Sleeping With Ghosts
Atreyu - Lip Gloss And Black
At the drive-in - Metroneme Arthritis
When My Authorities Fall - Tāpat Kā Vienmēr
Harry The Bastard - 2 Low Key K-Handdīphous from Soma.FM BeatBlender (
Crowd - Sniegs
My Dying Bride - The Prize Of Beaty
aizdir*ās burts "u" vārdā Beauty
in.stora - slow dance
metallica - sanitarium
Dope - I Am
Samite - Soroti boys song
Dry Cell - Body Crumbles
non-skid- uz redzēšanos.
Rammstein Volkerball l(koncu live)
ictus- hambrientos de un sol distinto.
The Strokes - You only live once
Crowd - AtdošanāsSystem Of A Down - Chop Suey!
The Black Dahlia Murder - Novelty Cross
I Would Set Myself on Fire for You - The Universe Has Expanded So Enormously
Anorexia Nervosa - Sister September
I Would Set Myself on Fire for You - #
The Dillinger Escape Plan
Moss Icon - Memory
Neaera - ...To Oblivion
Saetia - The Poet You Never Were
hot cross - "tacoma"biffy clyro - "got wrong"
TBOCS - take off your pretty mask
Life at These Speeds - Writing Love Letters to an Industrialized Nation
- The Fall of Troy - What Sound Does a Mastadon Make
A mēs nevaretu darīt tā, ka nevis ierakstām ko klausāmies, bet uzrakstām vai zinām to dziesmu[grupu] un vai mums patīk tā dziesma[grupa] kuru ir ierakstījis iepriekšējāis?Skatalites - James Bod Theme
varēt varētu :) a tavu dziesmu nezinu,noteikti kkāds ska o.ODarkest Hour - The Patriot Virus
Ideja nav slikta, man patīk =DDarkest Hour neesmu dzirdējis, tāpēc nevaru neko teikt (Skatalites gan ir labi)Tesa - Part 77PS. Pēdējā laikā esmu uzsēdies, bet cik var vienas un tās pašas septiņas dziesmas, varbūt kāds var ieteikt ko līdzīgu?
Tesa - jā!! labs.. (kkas līdzīgs: Isis, Cult Of Luna, Pelican..)Sikth - Floging the Horses
protmas CULT OF LUNA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CALLISTO (dzīvāja dzirdeju un gandri "pabeidzu"! aj bļ* super.! :)
Nu cik esmu klausījies Isis, nav man tik ļoti iepaticies, par Cult of Luna esmu labu dzirdējis, būs jāievērtē =DSikth - kārtējais metālkōrs, par kuru neko neesmu dzirdējis o.OMineral - Dolorosa
moš dzirdēts,moš nē tas Mineral.kas to lai zin o.OKriegopfer - Liquid BallRoom
Kas to lai zin? Nu, es zinu =DKriegopfer labs, līdz Dark Ligo nebiju ilgi dzirdējis, piedūra o.OLife at These Speeds - Simple Math
Barrel - TATU forever! kūl!! :D
aha,šitā dziesma man patīk ;DThe Sons Of Saturn - Pure
ir tīkami :>A Combination of Both - Dirge[ jebšu skvota rāādža :>]
Atkal nav dzirdētsPelican - March Into the Sea
nezinu,bet pameklēš o.OGraf Orlock - A Measly Three Hundred Credits :)~
Pastnieces - Bērns šūpolēs
Buckethead - Colma
šitāds atkal nav dzirdētsAnpher - Wind That's Been Feared By Cowards
Mike MH 4 - Electrica Salsa :D
o.OAll Shall Perish - Our Own Grave
T.A.T.U - 30minutesDeftones - Bloody CapeKamelot feat. Shagrath from Dimmu Borgir - March of mephisto
Against Me - From Her Lips To God's Ears (the engergizer)
merry dolphins
Tā... Mike MH 4 nezinu, All Shall Perish neesmu dzirdējis, TATU ir prikolīgi reizēm paklausīties, Deftones spārda =D, Kamelot nepiedur, Against Me nezinu un Merry Dolphins ar nezinu.Pats tagad klausos Indian Summer, Moss Icon un svaigi novilkto Dear Diary I Seem to Be Dead =D
Arch Enemy - My Apocalypse
khoma- the guillotine.
Ed Gein - Nice Shoes...Wanna Fuck
the b-52's - planet clairethe b-52's - there's a moon in the sky (called the moon)
Beastie boys - You catch a bad one :P
augšējā stāvā zīdainis pastāvīgi ķērc X/Amanda Woodward - Bomber Le Show-Bizz
dafnis: tas laikam es esmu ar to screamo =PThe Death of Anna Karina - Simon Le Bon Against the Tradition
propagandhi - anti manifesto
Es tiko lasīju ka, Astr`o`nauti baigi iet uzaugšu!!! Tur bija viņai smukas bildes un vēl visādas ziņas oki!!!
TooL - "Faaip de oiad"
bryan adams - please forgive me
Anti-Flag\The Terror State\11 - Death Of A Nation.mp3
tool shizm
The Beauty Of Crying Star - Beautiful Nothing
thursday - "division street"
children of fall - ---
In.Stora - This Might Be A Nice Day If Only We Could See It
indyGo-ūdenstorņos dzeltenos
Buckethead - night of the slunk
Fear Factory - What Will Become?
Callisto System
Hot Cross - Patience And Prudence
The Third Memory - Nos epaules meurent
enigma & enya - adiemus
Hot Cross - Tacoma... man liekas vislabākā Hot Cross dziesma... par pilsētu otrā Amerikas malā o.O (Hot Cross ir no Ņujorkas, Takoma ir netālu no Sietlas)You are much moreThan I'll resign myself toYou are much moreThan I'll assign to myself
Pornstone - Crew melody
SideMind - Missing SummerThe Sons Of Saturn - So FamiliarThe Sons Of Saturn - Dog Tired
Short Supply - Clay
Isis - The Beginning And The End
Moss Icon - I'm back Sleeping or Fucking or Something
Saving Daylight Remains - Le Mirroir Coulant
3 Doors Down - Going Down In Flames
Captain Everything - Holiday un Casablanca
saetia- the sweetness and the light (live).
sandim jauns profils :)
Please Inform the Captain This Is a Hijack - Robot Rampage in Luxury World
Gavin Degraw - Chariot
Saving Daylight Remains - Uz Jumta Malas
i would set myself on fire for you- we are in favor of closure.
The Fall Of Troy - Macaulay Mcculkin
Blur - The universal
Eighteen Visions - Tower Of Snakes
kriegopfer - heroins
defdump -cliche
cult of luna- and with her came the birds.
placebo - every you every me
A Perfect Circle - Pet
green day - Jesus of Suburbia:D
Sanctimony - Satan Fallus
drīz vajadzēs 3. tēmu ar šādu nosaukumu ;D
Nevajadzēs, man pieleca, kāpēc es nevarēju iepostēt, bet man lēnu aiziet =/Celeste - Afin de tromper l'ennui
bet es gribu lai vajag :D
Nu tad aizsāc 3. tēmuDear Diary I Seem to Be Dead - 04.08.03Varbūt šie džeki no Ņūorleānas nav Bēthovens, bet viņu nosaukums un šī dziesma ir ģeniāli.
visi tak zin,ka esmu pakaļskrējēja,nevis aizsācēja :DOrchid - Don't Rat Out Your Friends
Pōzere =PCity of Caterpillar - Maybe They'll Gnaw Right Through
zaķīti piekaušu >:)Tesa - Part 77
Dear Diary I Seem to Be Dead - 04.08.03 hehe!!
Flaying - Revenge From Asylum
Liec mieru zaķītim, zaķītis ne pie kā nav vainīgs! =PI Would Set Myself on Fire for You - Country Song
a viņš nepretojas,pats vainīgsAmanda Woodward - On Est Un Con
Jā, tos vājākos jau vienmēr viegli apbižot =PRage Against the Machine - Hadda Be Playin on the Jukebox
slint- good morning captain.
dogs,es tev kko pastāstīšu.zaķīts teica,ka viņam patīk lidot pret sienu.tātad viss ok >:)Ephen Rian - Killed By Flames
the dresden dolls - "the perfect fit"
The Sons Of Saturn - So Familiar
city of caterpillar - unknown
Boxcar Racer-I feel so.
aenima- berserk.
Dear Diary I Seem To Be Dead - 04.25.03
In Flames - Trigger
Zaķītis neko tev nevarēja teikt, jo viņam nav mutes =PPelican - Forecast for Today
wmaf - plaans pieprasot neiespejamo
tu viņam to muti noteikti nograuzi,nemaz zinu!Kriegopfer - Illusions
Caliban - It's Our Burden To Bleed
The Death Of Anna Karina - The State
Cik es viņu atceros, viņam nekad nav bijusi mute =P viņš ir mēmais.Adore - 69 (96, "Dziesma, kurā Eds spēlē basu") o.O
varbūt tā arī labāk.citādi viņš pārāk bieži kliegtu,lai pievērstu sev uzmanību.Norma Jean - Memphis Will Be Laid To Waste
Man liekas, ka viņam tiek pievērsts pietiekoši daudz uzmanības, vismaz no tavas puses noteikti. Drīzāk viņš varētu kliegt, jo tu viņam pievērs pārāk daudz "uzmanības"Moss Icon - Moth
nekad nevar būt par daudz ;DThe Bled - I Don't Keep With Liars Anymore
eksplozija debesīs.
Wolfmother - White unicorn
agaisnt me
gameness- ressuscites et remeurs.
Bleed The Sky - The Martyr
As I Lay Dying - Reinvention
As I Lay Dying - Behind Me Lies Anothet Fallen SoliderThe Dresen Dolls - Girl Anarchronism
neaera - Anthem of despair
lil'jon &the eastside boyz-throw it up :)
the strokes - heart in the cagevuv. jā.
to ko tu nē.uzmini - "[..]walls don`t exist, floor doesn`t exist, those prisoners aren`t here [..]"dooh.
Anomie - Acceptation
Enhet - Are You Still Here?
Norma Jean - Memphis Will Be Laid To Waste
Life at These Speeds - You Know to Say Yes
Beautiful No - Tool
Silver Bearing - Wheat(construct)her
erm...tobišSilver Bearing - Weat(construct)her
šodien man topā ir vecs , labs pankroks.
bļēeee X/
heheInsomnia - Swallow Hard
Moss Icon - Happy (Unbounded Glory)unMoss Icon - GuatemalaVecs (gandrīz tikpat vecs kā es), labs "emotional hardcore punkrock".Sing along.Earth cliffs.All of them.Sing strong, you are the colour.You are the sound.You are the colour.You are the sound that you see.Expose bank.Expose bank.Eroded.Cyclic rivulet gravitation, pulling.Downstream.Bound.Soil cloud dripped and ripped.Dripped and ripped.Along and inbetween the large rocks that still hold fast.Incessant pull against the soft water.Sing along.Sing strong.(Falling high for neo)-Tropical.Towering, tree universal, fell.In the Amazon, there was noone there to hear.There was noone there to hear.You collect the woolen sunlight and sing.
Distorted Youth - Swedish
Sequoia - Kids & hope
H-Blockx - Move
Guns N' Roses - Sweet Child Of Mine Creed - Weathered
Alexisonfire - This could be anywhere in the world
battles - b + t
Wow, Owls! - Houston, We Have a Drinking Problem
NSRD - Labrīt, putra!NSRD - Ķīnā esmu bijis esNSRD - Darbnīcas
Distemper - Я лечу (Свобода)
emm../...=man pashLaik chronixradio skan=tagad gr.FEAR FACTORY-DigiMortaL
radio naba
Life at These Speeds - Blocking out the SkyBurvīga dziesma, kopā ar Dear Diary I Seem to Be Dead - 04.08.03 divas dziesmas, kuras pēdējā laikā klausos visvairāk.
Dear Diary I Seem to Be Dead - dogs profilā:))
NWA - real niggaz don't die.. oldschool :P
Eighteen Vivions - Burned Us AliveEighteen Visions - Truth Or Consequence
tb Visions :DD
the cure - plainsong
PsychoFreud (PromomixOctober2006)
Fuck I'm Dead - Ruthless Aggression
The Agony Scene - Scars Of Your Disease
Jairus - From The Drain Of A.I.S.
kapātie ķirbji (smashing pumpkins)
Tokio Hotel rette mich
Babyshambles - Fuck Forever
Catena Collapse - Wolf Down
S.I.L.S. - 5.gadalaiks ;DD
Kaspars Dimiters Baigi gribas
Trencher - iluminated dead baigi interesants
Klausos kā no visa spēka dauzu roku pret sienu...
flyleaf-im so sick.....taa ir labaa
Lietotas mēbeles no Holandes - Klīstošais Holandietis
o pievienošos nemanāms nodarbei =Dbet tomēr mūzikas pavadījumā...Job For A Cowboy - Dead Stale Endings
the mars volta
zaks vailds - machine gun man
PsyOpus - Mark And Mindy
agony_ - no visa spēka??:Dbruit monkeys - jautājums bez atbildes;DD
invasion - my hate - bij tāda sen blice Latvijā. ieraksts no kasetes :D
Moby - Lift Me Up
astro'n'out nee gravitaatei
Mnemic - Meaningless
Life at These Speeds - Ground Give Out.
Life at These Speeds - To Your Health
stulbaa_musha, jā, roku gandrīz salauzuCannibal Corpse - Sanded Faceless
mmm laba dziesma,musha :)Insomnia - Swallow Hard
Pa ilgiem laikiem - Within Temptation - Stand My Ground
Nasum - Wrath
Engorged - Alien Contamination
Māra Upmane - Panika
grupu zodiaks-rock on ice!>;-
Go go emo rangers - tjip theme song
Slipknot - No Life
Atreyu - The Rembrance Ballad
streelight manifesto-keasby nights :)iesaku
green day american idiot
The Kooks - Ooh La
Dear Diary I Seem to Be Dead - 10.07.02
Kriegopfer - Third World Kid
Metallica - Whiskey in the jar
Interpol - Evil
Moby - Feeling so real
Jairus - Spindley
huskvarn - ar sirpi pa pautiem :D
Eighteen Visions - Lost In A Dream
Amatory - kkas,ko nemāku uzrakstīt =D
Schools out for summer :D Alice Cooper
Saving Daylight Remains - Words Collide
Aerosmith - Livin' On The Edge
Diadema - Mūsu Lamūrs
Kriegopfer - Mūzikas Karš
acsienīstdievu - baltais nēģeris :)bet ja nopietni tad eyehategod - white nigger
Guns n Roses - Since I Don't Have You
Macka B - Stop Fight Rastafari
converge - Distance and Meaning
PsyOpus - Death,I...
Love Lost But Not Forgotten - Save Me From The Outside World
Bob Marley - Jamming
kaa burbuljo venden uudens padeves ietaise..tas mani biedee...
Macka B - Ganja Ladies/iepatikās kkā šitais reggae/
Massive Attack - Karmacoma
Poison the Well - Turn Down Elliot
Oldschool Ragga Jungle Mix By Congo Natty
some girls - beautiful rune
When My Authorities Fall - Lack Of Flame
dead kennedys - this could be anywhere
visu converge discography :D
fall out boy-this aint a scene its a arms race
Insomnia - Swallow HardEd Gein - A Way To Kill Old People
Nasum - The Professional League
million dead - smiling at strangers on
converge - undo
CALLISTO anastasis
in.stora - AKLS20: meklēju koncentrātu! zvani...
Reaching bravo - akmens zieds
Circle Of Dead Children - Calm
DEP - I love Secret Agents
Guns N' Roses - November Rain
Killswitch Engage - This Fire Burns
Eyehategod - My Name Is God ( I Hate You )
Catena Collapse - Roadite
Ed Gein - Bathed In Orange
Anterrabae - Engage Catch Phrase
Me And Him Call It Us - Sarsaparilla
Nitro Mega Prayer - Tsunagu Mono Hanasu Mono
Rocket Queen
Disco ensemble
Deftones - Xerces
666 komentaars augshaa!
Otep - My Confession
Status Que- In The Army Now :Dlabs
Macka B - Legalize the Herb
Emanon - Dare To Forgive
A Tribe Called Quest - Can I kick it?
Adora - Safeguard The Helpless Pt. 2
Venetian Snares - A Lot Of Drugs
The Dillinger Escape Plan - Destro's Secret
Shape Of Despair - Sylvan-Night
Anterrabae - Curfews, Alcohol and Other Jealousy Related Incidents
The Dillinger Escape Plan - 4th Grade Dropout
NIRVANA- visu pēc kārtas..mmm~
At The Drive In - Proxima Centauri
Evanescence "My immortal"!
Nine Inch Nails - something i can never have
Between The Buried And Me - Mordecai
Nickelback - Believe It or Not
Emil Bulls - Porcelain
Hot Cross - Pretty Picture Of a Broken Face
Adora - Crown Of Thorns
Mohinder - To Satisfy
Emanon - Mess Of Recognition
Fall River - This Room's a Revoluton
Million Dead - Pornography For Cowards
Saving Daylight Remains - A Hundred Miles From Your Shadow
Faust Again - The Truth is Absolution
kaa kliedz prieksniece uz muusu ''datorspecu''
Defdump - Cliche
Botch - Frequency Ass Bandit
Narziss - Gotteskrieger
Converge - Thaw
Refused - Rather Be Dead
Narziss - Entstelltes BildFrom Autumn To Ashes - The After Dinner Payback
Cult of Luna - Hollow
U2 - beautiful day
Off - Electrica Salsa
Narziss - Schatten
!circle takes a square_houdini logic!
Caliban - Its Our Burden To Bleed
PsyOpus - Death, I...Grr endo, the square,the square =D :)
Converge griežu jau no pirmdienas :/Johnny Cage Is A Fake - Cujo
amanda woodward - Dans Le Ces Ol es Lfammes
Narziss - Das Tier
Acid Mothers Temple - Dead Man Is Smokingpsihodeeelji
Converge - Antithesis vai homesongdīvaini, bet abas vienādas :D
Narziss - Morgen Nicht Geboren
Sailboats - Behind Treesizklausās pēc narkotikas nākamajai nedēļai... nu Life at These Speeds un Dear Diary I Seem to Be Dead ar sava vieta atradīsies...
commercial faith_experienced moments
Matisyahu-Youth Dub
radio SWH:)uu, Matisyahu labais:DD
Ed Gein, Ed Gein, Ed Gein, Ed Gein, Ed Gein un Ed Gein :D
daudzveidīgi!Me And Him Call It Us - Sarsaparilla
Deekline & Wizard feat Top Cat - Special dedication
nu jau pilnīgs - HujViņZin :DDD tb - ūber-koma :DDD
Drop Dead, Gorgeous - Knife VS. Face: Round 1kōōōma :D
Circle Of Dead Children - CalmAs Blood Runs Black - My Fears Have Become Phobias
Ed Gein - A Way to Kill Old People
Pig Destroyer - Flag Burner(Demo)cilvēkiem ar vājiem nerviem neklausīties xD
Maroon - Chosen Fate
radio skonto :(
This Incredible Machine - Kerosene Man
fak, sajaucu :DDDThis Incredible Machine - Atlas
Placebo - Johnny& Mary (Robert Palmer)
Tagad Deftones - Rats!Rats!Rats!
svaigi novilkto Converge - No Heroes albumu
es arii no heroes nesen novilku. bet joprojaam neesmu baigaa sajuusmaa.jaapadrillee vairaak.tad jau gan jau
Placebo - Running up that hill (kate bush) pēc tam Black - eyed :)
bāaaaju bāaajuški...........
Converge - Versus
To, kas skan pa radio. Tikai nezinu kas tas ir :D
citrona koks
U2 - Where the streets have no nameun vecais,labais Mārliju Bobs - No women no cray
All That Remains - This Calling
Converge - Distance And Meaning
A Life Once Lost - Vulture
As I Laz Dzing - Falling Upon Deaf Ears
neizkeemo :Dinsomnia - swallow hard :D
visi laikam gatavojas devitajam vilnim...
hmm ..... man tagad skan the bloodhaund gang
ui,ar kāju laiakam atkal rakstīju :PEnvy - Moonbeam And The Dark
The Dillinger Escape Plan - Baby's First Coffinar prieku informēju visus ka 3. aprīlī iznāks Poison The Well jaunais albums Versions :)
Stretch Arm Strong - Second Chances
Ryuichi Sakamoto, Jaques Morelenbau & Everton Nelson/ Gustavo Santaolalla - Bibo No Aozora/Endless Flight/Babeliz filmas - Babel.
Limp Bizkit - Behind Blue Eyes ^^*
Emanon - Light Is Just An Illusion
Phoobija - Vienalga
vii labā bilde ;)Botch - Frequency Ass Bandit
team sleep - your skull is red
Converge - Trophy Scarsvisu dienu skan galvā :/
BRITNEY SPEARS vs CRADLE OF FILTH - I Love Blackmetal.atbrīvojiet manu neprātu.šausmas!āuuuuauuauuuuuuuuu :D
Kakisticracy - A nation Lives in Fear
* Kakistocracy
Saliva - Going Under
Prosthetic Cunt - 16 - I'll Buy That For A Dollar.Mp3ir dzirdēti labāki greencore izpildītaji
greencore? o.Ocircle takes the square - crowquill
Foxy Shazam - Acroos the Golden FieldAbduktio - Kielletty ajosuunta
Converge - Color Me Blood Red
Ed Gein - Nice Shoes...Wanna Fuck?
Nightwish - FantasMic
hmmm, laikam esmu slims ar Converge :DConverge - No Heroes
The Kooks - Eddies Gun
Kakistocracy - The Price of Freedom
Fall Behind - Godkillers
Rotting Christ - Sanctus Diavolos
Static-X - Get To The Gone
nomainījos uz DEP - weekend sex change
The Number Twelve Looks Like You - Like a CatA kas vainas augstāk minētajiem Pig Destroyer?
pig destroyer ir labs :) vnk dažiem cilvēkiem grindcore neiet pie sirds :DThe Locust - anything jesus does i can do betterLetters In Binary - Back And To The Left
When My Authorities Fall - Punished For A Dream
KUR juus raujat taadas dziesmas - ne ieksh dc ne torrentiem naw XD
kādas tieši? =D
98 % nevar atrast...nju padalaties XD
kas meklē tas atrod un dc sux :PSome Girls - Marry Mortuary
gandrīz visu dc var atrastun kā tu domā to ''padalaties''?Stone Sour - Through Glass
torrentos jau ari nav XD
BezGaisma- Ha ha
Indian Summer - Sugar PillLizard: šī nav pieprasīta mūzika, un tāpēc ne torrentos, ne Latvijas DC hubos diez vai atradīsi kko. Meklē hubos ar novirzēm vai slsk =P
njaa tikai arzemju DL man ir supadupa leens XDnegribi pateikt kaadu hubu ??
Chimaira - No Reason To Live
wuuuhuuu! esmu joprojām pālī xDklausos pasaules pozitīvāko dziesmu un man kabatā vēl ir 62 Ls xD
Korn - Yall Want A Single
guns'n'roses - paradise city
JJ72 - Bumble Bee
-LIVE- Mika-Lolypop(BBC Radio 2 Koncerta ieraksts)
Bauhaus - Bela Lugosi's Dead
40 Below Summer - Wither Away
tikai 15 pēc rēķinu apmaksas :/Converge - Color Me Blood Red
norma jean - Memphis Will Be Laid to Waste
Norma Jean - The Human Face, Divine
As I Lay Dying - 94 Hours
Converge - Hell To Pay
The Fray - How to save a lifeDemien Rice - 9 crimes
DEP - The Perfect Design
Katari - Es Ienīstu Sevi
Poison The Well - Nerdy
Napalm Death - Cleans Impure
Bloodspit - AFK Turtle Rocks Fu...
Darkane - Innocence Gone
Deftones - When Girls Telephone Boys
The Number Twelve Looks Like You - An Aptly Fictional Description
Sidemind - Missing Summer
BORA - Towards Love
Destroyer Destroyer - Dead Weight As Far
ksprs - Dirty old maniac
Sinaloa - Drawing in Dirt
Smashing Pumpkins - An Ode To No OneCave In - Untill Your Heart Stops
Converge - Homewrecker
Sailboats - Behind Trees
The Dillinger Escape Plan - Jim fear
Johnny Cage Is A Fake - The Power Of Negative Thinking
Deftones - Knife party
In/Humanity - Teenage Suicide - Do It!In/Humanity - Emo Violence Generationun pēc tam visa pārējā viņu diskogrāfija "Violent Resignation: The Great American Teenage Suicide Rebellion 1992 - 1998"... jaunieši, kuri izgudroja terminu emo violence o.O
dogs, beidz klausīties savu īmo vailenci, bet palkausies tādu kļovo grupu kā Anathema.
Job For A Cowboy - Dead State Endingstīnis atgriezies visus izrīkot ;D
It Dies Today - A Constant Reminder
v3v - nebūtībā izmestie tēli
Me And Him Call It Us - The Sea Swallowed Us WholeMe And Him Call It Us - ...Into Troubled Waters, I Sink
Matisyahu - Beat Boxingpēc tam Botch - Rock Lobster
Converge - Jane Doe
to pašu :DDD
Converge - The Saddest Day [favorite]
Pelican - Angel Tears
At The Gates - Into The Dead Sky
BORA - family
nevaig jaunu diskusiju sākt?apnīk rullēties lejā :Dbora - "diskvalifikuok save"
sant, laikam jau vajag:DU2 - Peace on earth, domāju,ka pēc tam explosions in the sky jāpaklausās:]]
Daughters - Daughters Spelled Wrong + nomainās uz Converge - marihuānas mātīte
At The Drive - In "For Now... We Toast"
jau ir atvēries v3.0
My Chemical Romance - I never told what I do for living.
vēl joprojām Ghiarta - Taureņu Uzbrukums. ui. nu tikko sāka skanēt Saosin - They Perched On Their Stilts.;)
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