8.aprīlis, 2009, trešdiena, 19.00
DJ Sarkanais, Laiksne
Chillout tickets: Ls 2,- (w/flyer Ls 1,- )
Every action leads somewhere. The question is weather or not one wants to get there. When homo sapiens meets face to face with the nature, then anything is possible. Breathtaking landscapes filled with solitude and quietness. A never-ending journey, accompanied by the sounds of nature. Is everything that is happening real or is it just a mirage? This Thursday (09.04.09) find the peace in a meditative road movie "Gerry" by Gus van Sant. Before and after the movie – chillout music with Gaffa, Laiksne and Sarkanais Smart tea "surprises" from "Goija" tea-house. 09.04.09 Open from 19.00 Cinema @ 20.00 Chillout party afterwards @ about 22.00 Art & Music Bakery Bruninieku 73 www.bakery.lv
Rīga, klubs "Art & Music Bakery"
Bruņinieku 73, starp Čaka un Avotu.
Ar * atzīmētie lauciņi ir jāaizpilda obligāti.
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