17.decembris, 2009, ceturtdiena, 20.00
Toria, The Black Tea, Pusehpusew, Instrumental lab (lt)
Ls 3
18. decembrī klubā "Melnā Piektdiena" - Nakts Garāka Par Dienu! Uzstāsies: Toria www.myspace.com/bandtoria The Black Tea www.myspace.com/blackteamusic Pusehpusew www.myspace.com/pusehpusew Instrumental lab www.myspace.com/instrumentallab Klubs atvērts no pl. 19.00 Ieeja Ls 3 Instrumental lab is a titlecomprising three musical projects.These projects feature 4 musiciansplaying in different line-ups, each line-uprepresenting distinctmusical conceptions. It is an interdisciplinarycollaboration of musicand visuals and the easiest way to define it is byreferring to thevisual tracks which accompany the live performance. v 0.01 The firstlab version – abstract instrumental music based onexperimental, post-rock andjazz styles. Three compositions performed inthis version are distinctivemusical movements marked by continuousintensity and dynamics. The liveperformance is accompanied by HarrySmith’s collection of experimentalshort-movies titled Early Abstractions. JustinasAlbrikas (drums) Andrius Grigorjevas (guitar) Jurgis Jarašius (bass) v 0.02 Thisversion goes together with the work by Brothers Quay - Street of Crocodiles.Differently from the first version, thefusion of sound and visualscreates a narrative with characters, where moods,dramatic tension andrelease become governed by musical structures. Bass andguitar are notthe only melodic instruments and the music itself is composedout ofbroad spectrum of sounds, starting with ambient, industrialvibrationsand loose structures, ending with intense sound andmathematical arrangements. VladasDieninis (drums, sampling) Andrius Grigorjevas (guitar, sampling, synthesizer) Jurgis Jarašius (bass) v 00.3 All fourmembers perform together thus forming the third labversion. While in the firsttwo versions the movies and music arerelated only by their inner mood anddynamics, in the third version thevisuals stand on equal grounds with thesound.The musical tracks werecreatedand in a certain way inspired by their accompanying visualtracks. One of thesetracks is a classic of experimental movies genretitled Dog Star Man (by Stan Brakhage). It goes with a musicalsoundtrackwhich blends electronic and analog sounds together. Thesecond track wascreated for In Absentia (by BrothersQuay). This is the lengthiest attempt to create a visual and improvisationalsoundscape. The lasttwo video tracks are intriguing because one of them isintentionally silent andthe other was shot according to a soundtrackalready present. In both cases thenew musical track becomes adisruptive and deconstructive element. Justinas Albrikas (drums) Vladas Dieninis (drums, sampling) Andrius Grigorjevas (guitar, sampling, synthesizer) Jurgis Jarašius (bass)
Rīga, klubs „Melnā Piektdiena”
Klubs atrodas Rīgā, Brīvības ielā 193c (bij. Rūpnīcas „Sarkanā zvaigzne” teritorijā. No centra lūkojoties VEF gaisa tilta pakājē kreisajā pusē tuvāk Teikai). Lai pirmajā apmeklējuma reizē pilsētas labirintos neapjuktu un neaizmaldītos neceļos, jābūt gana acīgam un par atslēgu minētajā adresē, kā arī orientieri kājām jāuztver „c”. No trokšņainās Rīgas artērijas – Brīvības ielas – pie nama Nr.193 neliela šķērsieliņa ved uz citu pasauli kādreizējās rūpnīcas „Sarkanā Zvaigzne” teritorijā. Baudot monstrozo ainavu, kas vēl saglabājusies kapitālisma tuklā atjaunošanas pirksta neskarta, jāsoļo garām pamestām bijušajām ražotnēm, kurās spokojas tukši logi un aizlaiku dvaša, vecai, sūnās iegrimušai volgai, kā ari citiem acīm tīkamiem labumiem. Jāsoļo taisni uz priekšu līdz pašam galam. Strupceļš atvedīs īstajā vietā - līdz baltu ķieģeļu ēkai Nr.193c, kurā savu mājvietu radis mūzikas klubs „Melnā Piektdiena”. Vēlams nemēģināt iekarot pirmo ēkas stāvu, kur miermīlīgi mājo kāda ceha birojs. Labāk to netraucēt. Līdzās biroja durvīm labajā pusē būs vēl vienas durvis – tās ir īstās.
Sorrrry, bet briesmigaks plakats muzha nav redzets........
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