Sub Terminal 4 Birthday Party

Informācija par pasākumu

16.novembris, 2007, piektdiena

Sub Terminal, Dj Muffler

6 Ls/ 8 Ls pēc 23.00

Sub Terminal - 4 gadi Depo
Regulārs drumandbass pasākums no 2003. gada decembra

Dj Muffler (Sighco Recordings (co owner / a&r))
With a host of releases on Uk labels, Muffler a.k.a Konsta has certainly made an impact.
He is one of the few producers who have had releases on almost all top drum 'n bass labels including Moving Shadow, Hospital, Dsci4, Commercial Suicide, Formation, Frequency, Urban Takeover and his own Sighco Recordings.
Early releases back in 1999-2000 on Urban Takeover were accepted worldwide by both clubbers and Dj's and his Cd album on Urban Takeover "Soundz Of The Future" has got a warm welcome too. Also his mix cd, which consists only of his own tracks for Knowledge magazine (april 2004 issue) got him some well deserved attention. To date Muffler has released over 50 vinyl singles, two Cd albums and featured on various compilations. It's often been said that he is one of the most profilic producers in the drum 'n bass scene.
Together with Paul Rae his running a record label called Sighco Recordings. Label was launched in 2004 with Muffler's "Showdown / Futureshock", which many consider a classic by now.
Sighco 004 - Muffler vs Ingenious Music (Feat I Cue & Mc Tc Izlam) "Super Mc" b/w "What's The Deal (Super Mc Dub) and Muffler's new artist album "Sighco Show" coming autumn 2007. Keep your ears peeled!
Muffler's tracks get constant support from other premier league Djs such as Andy C, Pendulum, Mampi Swift, Grooverider, Fabio, Dj Ss, Zinc, Fresh, Ed Rush&optical, Mickey Finn, Mary Anne Hobbs, John Peel, High Contrast to name but a few
As a Dj, besides known for his fast doubledrop mixing skills, Muffler always plays dubplate heavy selection with latest cuts from himself and other producers,
He plays regularly around the world, both club and festival gigs, in countries like: Uk, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Germany, Spain, Russia, Austria, Switzerland, Norway, Poland, Croatia, France, Finland, Ukraine, Sweden, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Belgium to name a few

Mūzikas klubs "Depo"

Sub Terminal 4 Birthday Party (Bilde nr.1)
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Norises vieta

Rīga, mūzikas klubs "Depo"

Klubs atrodas Rīgā, Vaļņu ielā 32. Tas ir netālu no Galerijas "Centrs", no tās jādodas pa Vaļņu ielu autoostas virzienā.

Tālrunis: +371 7220114

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1 komentārs Komentēšana pieejama visiem.
rgc (, 19.11.2007. 09:15:37 (ip:
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bila prikolna!=]]A koda budet ewe Drum&Bass??

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