12.septembris, 2007, trešdiena, 21.00
Curse Ov Dialect (experimental/ hip-hop, Austrālija), Līksmais Terors (alternative/ hip-hop, Rīga), Ambrosia (hardcore, Valmiera), Our Flag Our Attitude (post-rock/ experimental, Kuldīga), Sandtrout (metalcore/ hardcore, Rīga), PussyMagnet (sastāvā dalībnieki- Nysa)(acoustic/ rock, Rīga), Mārtiņš Vaters (IndyGo)(acoustic/ rock, Rīga), Diversity (progressive/ rock, Rīga). + deju zālē: dj Megafons (Edgars no All Day Long).
4ls/ 5ls pēc 22.00; ar MOREA norises flyer (rodams klubsdepo.lv) 3ls/ 4ls pēc 22.00
uz lielās skatuves: Curse Ov Dialect (experimental/ hip-hop, Austrālija). http://www.curseovdialect.com http://www.myspace.com/thecurseovdialect http://www.last.fm/music/Curse+ov+Dialect "..Reaching out to the world from their home in Melbourne, Australia, Curse Ov Dialect consists of vocalists Raceless, Vulk Makedonski, Aturungi, and August the 2nd with Dj Paso Bionic. All five crew members share production duties. With a diverse range of backgrounds, their music comes off as a non-homogenized tapestry of culture. Their political raps, razor sharp writing, unique flows, and standout production accurately represents their knowledge of hip-hop as world music and the multi-cultural climate of their homeland. Their live show combines unrelenting energy, fine tuned execution, and jaw dropping costumes to create a one-of-a-kind concert experience that tears the hip-hop rule book to pieces.." (last.fm) Līksmais Terors (alternative/ hip-hop, Rīga) http://neirothe.net/liksmais_terors_-_lo-fi_toties_diy.zip Ambrosia (hardcore, Valmiera) http://www.myspace.com/ambrosiaambrosia Our Flag Our Attitude (post-rock/ experimental, Kuldīga) http://www.nekac.lv/web-content/K_skatuve_gr_skruve.html Sandtrout (metalcore/ hardcore, Rīga) http://www.myspace.com/sandtroutofficial http://www.draugiem.lv/music/musician.php?mid=28611 augšstāvā (akustiski): PussyMagnet (sastāvā dalībieki- Nysa) (acoustic/ rock, Rīga) Mārtiņš Vaters (IndyGo) (acoustic/ rock, Rīga) http://www.indygo.lv http://www.myspace.com/martinsvaters http://www.myspace.com/indygolv http://www.draugiem.lv/music/musician.php?mid=12753 Diversity (progressive/ rock, Rīga) http://www.diversitymusic.lv http://www.myspace.com/diversity7 http://www.draugiem.lv/music/musician.php?mid=14652 + deju zālē: dj Megafons (Edgars no All Day Long).
Rīga, mūzikas klubs "Depo"
Klubs atrodas Rīgā, Vaļņu ielā 32. Tas ir netālu no Galerijas "Centrs", no tās jādodas pa Vaļņu ielu autoostas virzienā. Tālrunis: +371 7220114
Ja nebūtu DzV Stundtu klubā, tad ietu uz Depo, bet gan nākošreiz.
pirmo reizi redzu, ka artemijs ir atrzīmējis , ka pilnīgi noteikti neies. hmm reku uz šo http://www.hc.lv/afisa/koncerti/1622/pasākumu es domāju, ka viņš ar neapmeklēs, bet kādēl tur nav atzīmēts, ka artemijs šo pasākumu neapmeklēs ? :)
Ar * atzīmētie lauciņi ir jāaizpilda obligāti.
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