25.jūlijs, 2007, trešdiena, 21:00
Insane, Zeroscape, Collide, Tesa, Pure Sickness + dj Guntis
3 Ls/ 4 Ls pēc 22.00 ar skrejlapu lētāk
Insane is a talented alternative new metalcore band from hungary, with powerful live shows. Since 1999 Insane played over 350 shows in 21 countries, they have 3 albums, 2 Ep’s and 6 video clips. After 4 european tours and play with Soulfly, Pro -Pain, Napalm Death, Diecast, 4Lyn, Deep Insight, Ektomorf, D.R.I. and many more bands, time as come for Insane to go back on the road again. The band was nominated 3 times at Viva Televison for the best hungarian modern Rock band. http://www.insanemusic.hu http://www.myspace.com/bandinsane Zeroscape (Kanāda – reggae/drum’n’bass/metal) http://www.zeroscapemusic.com http://www.myspace.com/zeroscape Tesa http://tesaband.com/ Collide http://www.myspace.com/collidemetal
Klubs "Depo"
Rīga, mūzikas klubs "Depo"
Klubs atrodas Rīgā, Vaļņu ielā 32. Tas ir netālu no Galerijas "Centrs", no tās jādodas pa Vaļņu ielu autoostas virzienā. Tālrunis: +371 7220114
kamdēļ nav pievienota Pure Sickness?
oho vegan ar būs? :)
protams, ka būs! :D
oho Baiba buus uz Insane ;DDD
till deth do us bija no zero?
Ar * atzīmētie lauciņi ir jāaizpilda obligāti.
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© 2005-2025, "Insane" klubā "Depo", 25.07.2007, HC.LV.