23.maijs, 2007, trešdiena, 22:00
Blind Myself (Ungārija - Metal/rock/noise/hardcore), Bruit Monkey, Angervoice, Undusted (LV - Experimental/metal), Ability, Bite Back + dj Ābols
Ieeja 4 Ls/ 5 Ls pēc 22.00
Formed in 1994. -The band’s new record called „Ancient Scream Therapy” made it to the 1st place on the albumchart of Hungary’s Hammer magazine. -New album includes „Lost In Time” featuring Zoli Teglas of Ignite -The band won the Hungarian Metal Awards (independent award of the most important Hungarian metal websites)– Best Live Band 2005. (also nominated Ektomorf, Bridge To Solace) -The band played with Slayer, Children Of Bodom, Isis, Napalm Death, Anthrax, Agnostic Front, Sick Of It All, Death By Stereo and many more… -Blind Myself toured with Ignite back in 2000. in the USA -The band lived in the States for 3 years and played clubs such as CBGB’s, Continental, etc. www.undusted.lv
Klubs "Depo"
Rīga, mūzikas klubs "Depo"
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