Bērnu koris "Sono" iegūst 2. vietu konkursā Spānijā

Annija Senakola, 03.06.2008., 11:08

Rīgas 4. mūzikas skolas bērnu koris vienpadsmit koru konkurencē ieguva godpilno 2. vietu.

XIV Starptautiskajā habanēru bērnu koru konkursā šā gada aprīļa beigās piedalījās arī kolektīvi no Spānijas un PoKoris "Sono"rtugāles, tāpēc bērnu kora Sono diriģenti Irēna Račevska un Česlavs Batņa ir priecīgi par sasniegumu, jo habanērām Spānijā ir tieši tāda pati nozīme, kā latviešu tautasdziesmām Latvijā. Atzinīgus vārdus no žūrijas koris Sono izpelnījās ne tikai par profesionālu un emocionālu dziedājumu, bet arī par savu skatuvisko šarmu.

Kā uzskata Česlavs Batņa, tad šoreiz koru konkurence bija ļoti sīva, jo žūrijai vajadzēja izraudzīties trīs labākos no sešiem kolektīviem, kuriem tika piešķirts Zelta diploms: „Ir ļoti liels prieks par izcīnīto otro vietu, jo Sono savā izaugsmē ir tikai ceļa sākumā, un šis panākums ir kā stimuls kora turpmākai darbībai.”

Rīgas domes Kultūras departamenta Rīgas 4. mūzikas skolā, kas dibināta 1975. gadā, mācās daudzi mazie talanti, kas bieži piedalās vietēja un starptautiska mēroga konkursos. Pēdējā pusgadā koris ieguvis godalgotas vietas starptautiskajos konkursos. Skolā darbojas arī simfoniskais orķestris.

2 komentāri Komentēšana pieejama visiem.
Elīza (ezii100@inbox.lv), 28.01.2009. 18:12:40 (ip:
Komentāra reitings: 0

jap ,mūusu koris rullē. Ja ,kas spānijā bij ļoti forši ;D

YANG HU (info@wpcf.at), 19.10.2011. 03:24:57 (ip:
Komentāra reitings: 0

World Peace Choral Festival
July 30th to August 2nd, 2012, Vienna
Dear Sirs and Madams:
From July 30th to August 2nd 2012, Vienna will be once again the stage for children's and youth choirs from all around the world. Under the slogan "Coming together to sing, Singing for a better future", the young participants will model and promote world peace. It is the special aim of the World Peace Choral Festival to not force competition but to create a peaceful intercultural community - in singing and also in the daily lives of the participating youths.

The festival’s highlights will be, e.g., a performance in the head quarters of the United Nations in Vienna, the closing ceremony in the world-renowned "Golden Hall" of the Musikverein, an open air concert at Schönbrunn Palace. In addition to the concerts, workshops will be organized under the leadership of Gerald Wirth, artistic director of the Vienna Boys Choir.

As part of the evening program, campfires (barbecue party) as well as exchanges and meetings will be organized and new global friendships can be made.

During the festival, the Artistic Committee, under the direction of Gerald Wirth, will select particularly gifted singers for the World Peace Choir. In the coming years, the Choir will travel around the globe to give concerts promoting world peace.

The World Peace Choral Festival is offering a comprehensive festival-program that has obtained the approval of high-ranking officials and institutions in Austria. This year we are proud to announce that Dr. Heinz Fischer, Federal President of the Republic of Austria, took over the patronage of the festival.

"Coming together to sing, Singing for a better future". Interested choirs can get information about the World Peace Choral Festival 2012 and apply at: www.wpcf.at or info@wpcf.at

* History:
The World Peace Choir Festival celebrated its premiere in August 2010. International children's and youth choirs sang together for peace. Choirs that participated since the founding of the festival were: several Choirs from Mainland China, the Prague Philharmonic Children's Choir, the Vienna Boys' Choir, singers from the Calgary Boys Choir of Canada, DO-RE-MI Children´s Choir from Tyrol, the Pielachtaler Children's Choir, The Hong Kong Children´s Choir, The Permata Seni Choir from Malaysia, Taipei Success Children’s Choir, etc..

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manuscripts attributed to Robins


Duke de Montosier

